1827 Wine and spirit adulterators unmasked
the medium of which, it is not only the supplying of spurious and deleterious articles, for which con- siderably more is paid than they are really worth, and filling their own pockets by practises so dis- reputable, but undermining-, as well, the very sub- sistence of those, who are too honest to descend to such means for obtaining a livelihood. It is to the individuals only, who, from outward circum- stances, evidently follow such practises, that the fact of the disgraceful proceedings 1 have detailed, being carried into execution, can be attributed. That I have advanced no more than the plain truth, the numerous convictions which have taken place under the Excise Laws, for adulterating Wines and Spirits, or for imposing in any other way on the Revenue and the Public, with respect to those articles, would fully evidence, and in a list of which, it would be found, that the Dealers, whose practises I have exposed, form, by far, the largest majority, although, I have forborne obtaining and publishing that list, lest, from the individuals whose names it contains, my motives in offering this Treatise to Public notice, should be misconstrued, and supposed to be, of a personal and malignant nature. From the facts and arguments, alone, which I have submitted, I leave the Public to gather some idea of the extent, to which these fraudulent adul- terations have been, and still are, practised, with the honest conviction, that should they appear of
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