1827 Wine and spirit adulterators unmasked


Example 1 : To make up 100 gallons of ' only 21 s. 50 gals, of fine Cognac Brandy, proof . . at 31 gals, of Old Neutral-flavor- ed Rum, previously reduced to proof . . . - 9 gals, of Old Neutral-flavor- ed Rum, twenty-five per cent, overproof, including overproof . . 10 gals, of British Brandy, twenty-two per cent, under- proof . . . 13 6 100 gals, of full proof Brandy sA 21*. To the above must be added 1 pint of Colouring. | pint of Cherry-laurel water. i pint of Extract of Almond Cake. 29 13

to cost

full proof Brandy ,'


s. d.



72 10

per gal. -




16 6

6 15 106 16 6

100)2136(21 gals. 200

per gal

136 100 36 12

100)438(4rf. 400 38 4 100)1 52 (f 100 52

Thus, then, by the process I have described, may be produced 100 gallons of * Full Proof Brandy,' which will bear to be tried by the hydrometer, and the cost of which is, but 21s. &\d. per gallon, imperial measure. When this quantity shall have

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