1827 Wine and spirit adulterators unmasked


so large a proportion of this compound is consumed, when / state the fact (well known to all persons connected with the trade) that sums, of from one thousand, to three thousand pounds, and, where Wine trades have been attached, as much as from three to six thousand pounds have been given, for the good-wills of Gin-shops, possessed of only twenty-one years' leases, depending solely on the will of the magistrate for their licenses being re- newed, and held at rents from 151. to 2001. per an- num. But I have little doubt, that, all surprise will cease, when, in addition to the profitable adulter- ations which, as I have shown, are practised with Brandy and Rum, I have exposed those also, which are carried on with this article, and that of Wine. be purchased (if by the puncheon) at about 25s. Gd. per gallon, full proof strength, thus 20 gals, of Rectified s. d. L. s. d. Spirits, at proof, at 12 6 per gal. 12 10 10 gals, of Hollands, at proof . . - 25 6 12 15 makes up 30 gallons of proof Hollands, 25 5 to cost only 16*. lOd. per %Q gallon, being 5*. 8d. per 30)505(16 10 per gallon less than the duty S als - 3Q S aL on genuine Hollands ; and which, if further re- lov duced only to 10 per cent, underproof, costs but 15s. 3fd. per gallon. 30(300(10 300

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