1827 Wine and spirit adulterators unmasked


drometer; and is sold by the Rectifier, Wholesale Dealer, or Gin-shop-keeper, at any reduced rate of strength, under the two just mentioned. But, as to purchase it in this state is, the~most unprofitable, as well to the Wholesale, as to the Retail Dealer ; it is, with scarcely any exception, bought by them at either of the strengths, seven- teen or twenty-two per cent, underproof, and they afterwards sweeten or make it up themselves. The present fixed and stated cash price, after all deductions, to every description of trade consumers, indiscriminately, is for the former strength 10*. per gallon, and for the latter strength 9*. 4d. per gallon ; and my Readers must, therefore, when they see Gin advertised at 5*. 9d. \ 6*. 6d. ; 7*. 6d. ; and 9*. 4d. per gallon, be naturally somewhat curious, to learn the extent of reduction, and the means by which that reduction is effected, so as to render it either saleable or drinkable (saying no- thing of its wholesomeness) at such prices, and at the same time to enable the advertiser to derive a clear average cash profit of from 1*. 6d. to 2*.* per gallon. To clear up this mystery is my task, and the first point, to which I shall direct attention is the flavor, that most essential particular in the art of making up Gin ; after which, I will present a scale, showing the different proportions of aqua puree (pure water) necessary to reduce 100 gallons of * This, I can vouch for as a fact, having myself distilled a por- tion of what is termed Gin at the prices quoted.

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