1827 Wine and spirit adulterators unmasked


consequences of these deceptive practices, than offer- ed by that which I have already proposed, deserves particular mention ; as it is one which has received the sanction of the Legislature, and would in all probability, have been carried into effect before this time, but for the machinations and co-operation of a powerful body of men, to the detriment of the Wholesale Dealers \ but than whom (speaking of the latter), as a class, who ought to unite in every effort for the maintenance of their rights against the encroachments of the Gin-shop-keepers pos- sessed of Wholesale Licenses, none evince greater supineness or want of energy ; and who, instead of publicly exposing, as they ought to do, the base frauds which are practised (and which, owing to the facilities afforded to the Retailers, are even sanctioned by the Legislature under the present system), are suffering their very means of sub- sistence, to be gradually and imperceptibly under- mined and destroyed. A remarkable instance of this indifference to their interest, on the part of the Wholesale Dealers, was shown on the passing of the Distillery Act lately framed, and now in force. It was contemplated to introduce into that Act a clause, by which all persons possessed of Retail Licenses should not be allowed to vend goods, under a Wholesale License, on the same premises on which he retailed them ; but, that whatever Re- tailerwas desirous of retaining both Licenses, should be placed on a par with other Wholesale Dealers,

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