1827 Wine and spirit adulterators unmasked
truly explain the small chance of detection, which exists under the present system, and the manner in which a Retailer, possessed of a Wholesale Li- cense, is enabled to carry on his impositions, to so great an extent, and with so much impunity, than the case I have cited, in the adulterations of Brandy, (page 23,) to that I refer my Readers, with the certainty of its opening their eyes, to the means by which our Gin-shop-keepers are able to placard cheap Spirits, at such extremely low prices, and, also, that it must bear convincing tes- timony, to several of the most important facts, I have hitherto advanced. In thus, however, apparently advocating 1 the cause of those fair dealers, who are injured in their sale of Spirits, by the cheap prices, and specious pretences, of the Advertising and Placarding Gin- shop-keeper, and in publicly exposing the means, by which alone the different impositions are ef- fected, situated as I am, it is a matter of little im- portance to me, personally, whether or not my motives may be appreciated, by the individuals whose mal-practises I have attacked. The value of my observations, must depend on the truth of the facts, and the force of the arguments, I have adduced. That abuses do exist, that these abuses originate, in the undue and mischievous facility afforded to Gin-shop-keepers, and other Retail Dealers, I think I have proved, and I apprehend it is no less satisfactorily made out, that some alter-
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