1827 Wine and spirit adulterators unmasked


my Readers, that no other than this adulterating; system is practised, particularly as nothing- is cal- culated in the Scale, about to be submitted, for the expences of advertising, placarding 1 , and dis- tributing printed bills, and independently of the fact, that the lowest quality of Wines in dock, are by no means saleable to the Public, until they have undergone a course of doctoring, &c. in the large Wine vats, to say nothing of the facilities which certain Dealer's possess of doing so. Showing the cost price, per dozen, of Wines in dock, from such as are scarcely drinkable, to those of the finest qualities, if cleared home and bottled in fifteens, (three gallons, according to the old measure, to be deducted from each pipe of 138 gallons, old standard, equal to 115 gallons new. as bottoms,) the value of each cask supposed to pay the expences of clearing from the docks, and cartage, sixpence per dozen being added for charge of corks, and fivepence per dozen more, for expences of bottling, laths, saw- dust, &c. A SCALE,

Cost prices per

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