1827 Wine and spirit adulterators unmasked

having attained a proficiency in the art of selling the one at less than cost price, they should form the majority also of those, who airvertise Wines on the same curious terms. But, as I have already stated, that my aim is not against any class of dealers in particular, any fur- ther, than the facts themselves extend to them ; but, to protect my fellow citizens from imposition, and the honest Wine Merchant from the charge of exact- ing extravagant profits, I will first endeavour to show, the relative facility possessed by the Ad- Wine Merchant, and that by the Ad- vertising Gin-shop-keeper; though, with respect to the article of Spirits, I fear it will almost exclu- sively apply to the latter, as one of the most essen- tial requisites on which to found the means must be a Retail License;* and to those, therefore, of my readers who belong to the middling and poorer ranks of society, and others, who purchase at these receptacles, under the supposition that they' are served with the genuine article, at a cheaper rate, this part of my subject may be considered, as of more particular and vital importance. The only means whereby adulteration can be suc- and securely carried on by the Retail or Gin- * In addition to this retail license, any Gin-shop-keeper may possess a wholesale license by paying ten pounds per annum ex- tra, and may conduct the two branches of business attached to them on one and the same premises; thus, from this circumstance alone, he is placed far above an equality with the Wine Merchant who bus only a wholtsale license. vertising cessfully

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