1847 Oxford night caps (4th edition)


of brandy, half a wine glass of old rum, and two or three sprigs of mint. Stir the whole well Together, and drink it through a straw a .

OXFORD PUNCH, OR CLASSICAL SHERBET. When e'en a bowl of punch we make, Four striking opposites we take ; The strong, the small, the sharp, the sweet, Together mix'd, most kindly meet And when thej happily unite, The bowl is pregnant with delight. The liquor called Punch has become so truly English, it is often supposed to be indigenous i. e. five e , is the etymon of its title, and denotes the number of ingredients of which it is com- d The straws used are generally obtained from Bonnet makers, and are about eight inches long. e See Fryer's Travels. to this country, though its name at least is oriental. The Persian punj, or Sanscrit pancha,

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