1847 Oxford night caps (4th edition)


nutmeg into it ;

sweeten it to your taste, and it

is fit for use.

PEPPER POSSET. The more to promote perspiration, whole pepper is sometimes boiled in the Whey, but all-spice is far preferable. A Pepper Posset was known to the learned and ingenious John Dryden, as will appear by the following lines written by him

A sparing diet did her health assure ; Or sick, a pepper posset was her cure 0

CIDER POSSET. Pound the peeling of a lemon in a mortar, pour on it one quart of fresh drawn cider sweeten it with double-refined sugar, add one gill of brandy, and one quart of milk from the cow, stir it well together, strain it through a fine hair sieve or a flannel bag, then grate a nutmeg

and it is fit for use.

into it,

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