1857 The Bordeaux wine and liquor dealers' guide
according to its strength and color. Ale is the most nutritious variety, but good porter frequently agrees better with bilious constitutions. The most whole– some and perhaps the least exceptionable beverages prepared from malt are those known as East India, Scotch, and Bavarian ales. A late writer has de– scribed good beer as nutritiA>ua, from the sugar and mucilage it contains ; ezhilarating, from its spirit ; and sflrengthening and narcotw, from its hops. The stronger varieties of ale contain 7 to 8 per cent. of absolute alcohol ; average strong ale 5 to 6 per cent. ; brown stout 6 to 7 per cent. ; London porter ·3l to 4 per cent. ; and table, beer 1 to 2 per cent. Prel]J.-Amber is now out of fashion, but formerly was drunk in great quantities, in London, mixed with bitters, and called purl. The proportions of malt were three quarters amber, and 1 quarter pale, with six pounds of hops to the quarter. The first liquor is usually turned on at 170°, and the second at 185°. The worts are boiled together for two hours. It is tunned at 64°, ~nd after 24 hours roused evf!ry two hours, till the heat is increased to 74 °. It is then skimmed every hour for 6 hours and cleansed, and ' 5* AMBER BEER.
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