1857 The Bordeaux wine and liquor dealers' guide
MANUFACTURING AND ADULTERATING LIQUORS. 1.21 ver let the liquor run off and leave the coal dry, until you are done with it, or it will become musty and useless. The coal for rectifying should be of a good qua– lity, and properly burned; all of the JXM TO PA.CK LOWER SPIRIT RF.Ol'IFIERS. • First on the bottom after the blanket, put six inches of clean sand ; on that, six inches of coal, l bushel lime, and fill up to within eight fuches of the top with coal. UPPER SPIRIT REC1l'IFIER8 May be packed like UPPER WHISKEY rectifiers. Spirit Rectifiers, to produce perfectly pure and odor– less spirits, must be run slowly-the slower, the bet;. ter the spirits will be. 6 • Google Digitized by
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