1857 The Bordeaux wine and liquor dealers' guide



rits ; let them stand ten days, then filter, and add the product as in No. 1. These are the most approved formulas now in use, and if properly managed prod.nee paesable results ; but we again repeat, that a perfect imitation of pure Rolland Gin, cannot be prodtue,d except by distilla– tion, and then only by greet care and after a long experience. Gitn, ..A~.-See Appendix.


Is obtained by the distillation of the fermented skimmings of the sugar boilers, the drainings of the sugar pots and hogsheads, the washings -0f the boil– ers, and from mole.sses, .sugar, and the juice of the sugar cane. The process of distillation varies but little from that -0f other liquors already mentioned. Rum is exported from the West India islands, that from Jamaica and St. Croix being most in favor. Leeward Island rum is less est.eemed. The con.stituents of Jamaica rum are alcohol, vola– tile oil, butyric aeid, sugar, and water.


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