1857 The Bordeaux wine and liquor dealers' guide



the formulas here given; and reference is given to our articles on bottling, coloring, decanting, decolor– ing, fining, ripening, &c.

Fom.rnLA No. 1.-0hampagne.

To 40 galls. "prepared cider," add: 3 lbs. loaf-sugar, 2 oz. crystallized tartaric acid, t qt. yeast, 3 galls. water, and 4 " spirits, 15 u. p~

Let it stand 10 days, fine and bottle it, if spark– ling. If not sparkling, again fine it, and add more acid, and this process should be repeated until it is suitable for bottling. When bottled, put into each bottle a piece of white sugar the size of a pea, then cork and wire the bottles, covering with tin foil, after the manner of champagne.

FORMULA. No. 2.-0luwpUef!M.

To 40 galls. prepared cider, add:

5 " wild grape juice, } pressed and 2 lbs. white sugar, strained, 3*


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