1859 The Book of one Hundred Beverages - BERNHARD (William) -



BBJIADA.S'r BBVBUGlis. • and other~ sympt.oma occur, which can only be referred to the decided influence it poe- 8e8Se8 over the lf~le nervou system. Weak~ ~n the COJ?-t~, rarely~ even with in-n– lids, and it 1s folllld to be refres~ and agreea– ble in a. variety of maladies. In aCldition to the substances described, tea also contai.na a peculiar substance called Thien, which, according to the theory of the celebrated German chemist Liebeg, plays an important pa.rt in the nutrition of the sy:;tem. · The making of tea is a subject. ffery one it IO well pracfued in, that it is scarcely necessary to give directions 1 the eeaential :requisi_tes are :- 1. Good tea ; ~ A good tea.pot, that JS, one of a plain shape, free f'roin ornaments, which give • larger surface t.o throw off the heat, or from ilu-. tings and mouldings, which prenmt the inside be!ng wiped clean and dry after use. .. 8. 9 soft water. When aofi water cannot be ob · a small portion of carbonat.e of eoda is often. to correct the hardnees of the water, but in gen– .era! it is employed in great uceu, when it _... deriJ the tea soapy a.nd mawkish ; for a ~ tea– pot a qua.ntity ihe,aize of a pea is &mflY sWDcient. As the making of tea is a sub3ect in which every one is interested; we add the directiona of two men almoet equally celebmt.ed, the one u a poet, the other aa a cvUinittr (or cook). . · TEA-LEIGH HUNT'S RECIP.li:. 'Dear reader, male or female (very dear, if the latter), do · you know how t.o make good tea 1

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