1859 The Book of one Hundred Beverages - BERNHARD (William) -

EFFERVESCING· BBVDA&BS. • 33 " one drachm, or One draehm and a half; essence of lemon, one drop. ·. . . _ · White paper, tartaricoacid, tbiny-five grains. SPRUCE BEER POWDERS. Blue paper, ·white sugar, three drachms ; carbonate of soda, twenty-&ix grains ; essence of spruce, five drops. ~ · · lYhite paper, tarta.rie acid, half a drachm. Ginger and spruce beer powders are simply soda powders, fl:t.vored with the additional in- ~ents. · SEIDLITZ POWDERS. Bl~ paper,~~ (Roehelie.;.it,) two drachma ; carbonate of soda,. two scruples. ·White paper, tartaric acid, ha.If a dracbm. Dissolve the contents of a. blue paper in wa– t.er ; stir in the acid powder, and drink during · the' effervescence. . .. :•. _·: "' ~ ...- . . ' . ,. . ;. r., , . Ground or · finely powdered white sugar, two parta ; dried and powdered citric acid, .one part; powdem bicarbonate or potash, one part and a quarter; mix in a mortar, and keep in a very closely stopped bottle.. One large tea– spoonful to be stirred in two-think of a tum- bler of cold water. ·. · This preparation is expensive, and does not keep well; the· following is uaually. subatitu· ted for it:-


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