1859 The Book of one Hundred Beverages - BERNHARD (William) -


APPLE DRINK. Boil five or six ripe pippins when cut into six or eight pieces, in half a gallon of water, UD• til quite soft; &train through a sieve, and sweeten with h"ney or sugar.


Bake half a dozen apples, without peeling them ; put them into a JUg, and pour half a gallon of boilin~ water ·over them ; whilst they are hot, cover tile whole up until cold, when sweeten with honey or suga.r. PIPPIN APPLE DRINK. Cut· up five or six Normandy pippins into emall pieces·; boil them fur half an hOur in a qua.rt of water, with a little lemon peel, Or cloYe if required ; sweeten to the taste ; strain, and drink when cold. If Normandy pippins are soaked in c0ld water, they impart to it a most agreeable, sub– acid, refreshing flavor; a larger number of sliced pippins are, however, required than when they are boiled. · FRENCH PRUNE DRINI:. Boil about a dozen French plums or prunee for half an hour, in a qua.rt 0£ water, and sweeten to suit the taste.

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