1859 The Book of one Hundred Beverages - BERNHARD (William) -

SYJLUPS. ed. All syrups are to be· made with the be.– white sugar. SIMPLE SYRUP. Wh\te sugar, from tj'o to three pounds .ii: water, one pint ; dissolve the sugar with a gen– tle heat. RASPBERRY SYRUP. Mash the fruit, and strain the juice through a flannel bag ; t.o every :emt, add two pounds of loaf sugar ; dissolve with heat, stirring du– ring the time ; remove it from the fire, and allow it to stand t.o cool ; ta.kc off the BCWD, and bottle. RASPBERRY VINEG.UI. SYRUP. To every pint of juice, . add two pinta of vinegar ; and diS&Olve, in· a closely covered ·_ vessel, six pounds of sugar, by the aid ofa gea– . tie hea.t. CHERRY SYRUP. Morello cherries, stoned and mashed ; after standing a day, strain away the juice: and add. , to each pint, two pounds of sugar, finishing ae before directed. · MUJ,BERRY SYRUP. One pint of the juice, strained from the mashed fruit, and two pounds _of sugar.

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