1859 The Book of one Hundred Beverages - BERNHARD (William) -

··~ .. PU'BLtsHl!:D BT C. S. FBA::JCTS .. CO., 1'XW TOltJC. Leila; or, The Island. . By Aun Fra.~er Tytler. With engramgs by J. W. Orr, from oriipnal de•igu8. C/btA, 7 a ct.s. ; clrG giJJ,, 11.00. Leila in England. A continuation of Leila, or the Island. By the same aathor. With original eng•aviags. i5 eta.; mra. 'Jilt, il.00. Leila at Home. A continuation of Leila in England. By the same author. To match. 7.3 eta.; e:r.tra giU, i1.oo. "~Ii"' Tytltr'• writings are e•pecially -.alaable ror their rellglou oplrtc. She !ilt;.ateheg from juvenile: life wir.h perfect natare and true art.." Little Child's Book ; Or, lfother'~ Prompter. A book of Spelling and Reading. Ilhutratetl with emblematic figure!. A new and improved edition, with 500 engravings. 50 eta. Little Child's Book. Little Child's Gift; Little Child's Pictures; Little Child's Present. Four separate boob. Paper, 12i eta. The design or the Little Child's Book II to gin young cblldren a Hrl• or pictur.., with short dellnUlom ror tbelr am.,.emen* and lmlradioll, until they are cap~ble or more enemlve ...U.Og. .A. book ID co...,... demlUld ror each succeeding geaeratlo11. Little Ellie, And other Tales. By Hans Christian Andersen. 18 otL Little Henri; Or, the Gipsy's Theft. A Bohemian atory. With aW froD~ ti:ipieee, and three engravings. 88 eta. The Little Wreath Of Stories and Poems ror Children. B1 Hrs. Gilman. 88 ct&. l\.fork Seaworth: A Tale of the Indian Ocean. By William H. G. Kingston, Es.1., author of" Peter the Whaler," &c. With illnstrutiona by John Absolon. (JWtA, 75 centil; tt&tra gili, ai.oo. Marmaduke Multiply; Or, the llultiplication T .. ble in Picture and Verse. Colored pictures, lB cts,; pl11in, with paper covers, 1.5 eta. This litcle book will lmpr- on the yo11n1 mini! the .-llecltoa of tile multiplleati<>D GI 11&ureo, HniDc u a book of amwoemea* u well u ID- 11.i"U~tiori.


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