1860 A Treatise on the Manufacture , Imitation, Adulteration and Reduction of Foreign Wines, Brandies, .
VINEGAR. 189 Ginger Vinegar.- Bruised ginger-root! pound, vinegar 3 quarts; macerate for fourteen days; strain. French Raspben·y Vinegar.-Take 6 quartR raspberries, mash them, press out the juice; to each pint of the juice add one half pound of white sugar, and a half pint of the best cider– vinegar, first, however, mixing the juice and the vinegar, and giving them a boil in a kettle; after boiling add the sugar gradually, ·with a beaten white of egg to every two pounds; and boil and skin1 it till the scum ceases to rise. "'\Vhen cool,_bottle and cork tightly. To use it, pour out half a tumblerful and fill it with ice– water. Argol Vinegar.-,Vhite argol or crean1 of tar– tar ~ pound, boiling water 4 gallons; dissolve, , cool, add ! gallon proof-spirits, and keep it lightly covered in a warm place. German Family Vinegar.-Soft water 15 gal– lons, brown sugar 4 pounds, cream of tartar
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