1860 A Treatise on the Manufacture , Imitation, Adulteration and Reduction of Foreign Wines, Brandies, .
4. Tinctiire Oloves.-Bruised cloves 2 ounces, alcohol 2 pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and filter through paper. 5. Tincture Oinnamon.-Cinnan1on, bruised, 3 ounces, diluted alcohol 2 pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and filter through paper. 6. Tincture All8pice.-A1Ispice 2 ounces, alco– hol 2 pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and filter through paper. 7. Tincture Cardamom Seed.- Cardamom, bruised, 4 ounces, diluted alcohol 2 pints. l\ia– cerate for fourteen days, and filter through paper. 8. T,incture Red Sanders. - Red sanders 6 ounces, alcohol 2 pints. l\facerate for fourteen days, express, and filter through paper. 9. Tinctiire of Saffron.-Saffron, cut fine, 2 ounces, proof-spirits 2 pints. Macerate for four– teen days, and filter through paper.
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