1860 A Treatise on the Manufacture , Imitation, Adulteration and Reduction of Foreign Wines, Brandies, .
No. 22.-MALAGA. To 20 gallons prepared cider add:- 3 gallons good Nf alaga wine.
1 ~ ounces tincture kino. 1 ounce cream of tartar. 2 pounds New Orleans sugar. ~ ounce tincture of rhatany.
Color as before, and manage as in No. 1, after standing six days.
No. 23.-~'fALAGA. To 20 gallons prepared cider add:-
3 gallons good Malaga wine. 3 gallons native red wine. 2 ounces tartar. 1 ounce tincture kino. I ounce tincture rhatany. 1 pint honey.
Color as before, after standing six days; then manage them the same way as laid down in No. 1. 6
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