1860 A Treatise on the Manufacture , Imitation, Adulteration and Reduction of Foreign Wines, Brandies, .
3 pounds caraway-seed, bruised. 1 gallon good brandy. ! pint orange-flower water. 25 pounds loaf sugar.
Mix, color, and let it stand fourteen days; then draw off ready for use.
To 20 gallons pure proof-spirits add:- 1 ounce tincture cardamom-seed.
Take ~ pound bruised ginger root, digested in ~ gallon strong alcohol for six days. Add the liquor, after having been :filtered, to the pure spirits, agitating it thoroughly. Then add:- 5 gallons pure soft water. 1 gallon simple sirup. Color with sugar coloring ready for use. If more flavor is required, use more ginger; if sweetness is wanted, use more sirup.
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