1860 Oxford Night Caps


like it, when,speaking of the entertainment Queen Dido gave to -iEneas, he says

Postqnam prima quies epulis, mensseque remotce; Crateras magnoa statuunt, et vina coronant.

Hie rogina gravem gemmis auroque poposcit Implevitique mero pateram; * • • » • * • • * • • • • • • Primaque,litato, sumtno tenus attigit ore. Turn Bitite dedit increpitans; ille impiger hansit Spumantem pateram, et pleno se proluit auro. Post allii proceres. It has been the custom from time imme morial, at the civic feasts in Oxford, for the Grace Cup to he introduced before the removal of the cloth, when the Mayor re ceives the Cup standing; his right and left hand guests also rise from their seats while he gives a toast, which since the Deformation has been,"Church and King." The Cup is then handed round the table, no one pre suming to apply his lips to it until two persons have risen from their seats. The origin of this custom is ascribed by our

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