1862 Bar Tender's Guide price $1.50 by Jerry Thomas



125. Creme de Chocolat. (Cliocolate Cream.)

8 lbs. of roasted cacao. 12 ounces ofcinnamon. 4 do. vanilla. ^ do. cloves.

Ground; macerate for 48 hours in 3^ gallons ofalcohol, 95 per cent., 3| gallons of -water. (See Ko. 5.) Distil from offthe water 3^ gallons of high-flavored spirit; then add 63 lbs. of sugar, and 3^ gallons of water, near boiling heat. 126. Creme de Cinnamoni. (Gumamon Cfeam.) 162 drops of oil ofcinnamon. Dissolve in 3^ gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent.; then add 63 lbs. ofsugar, and 3}gallons of water,near boiling heat. Color yellow. (See No.91.) 127. Creme de Cinq. Fruits. (Cream of Five Fruits.) i'-r: 6 bergamots, the rinds only. • x 6 bitter oranges, do. do. \ 6 cedi-ats, do. do. 'r 6 lemons, 'do. do, \ 9 oranges, do. do. Cut small; macerate for 24 hours -with 3^ gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent., and3|gallons of water (see No.5). Distil from off the water 3^ gallons of flavored spirit, then add 53 lbs.ofsugar and 3^ gallonsof water,near boil ing heat. 3 \ 128. Creme do Dattes. Cream.) 8lbs. of dates pounded, and boiled 53lbs. ofsugar, 3i galloDS of water; strain and press; then add 72 drops

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