1862 Bar Tender's Guide price $1.50 by Jerry Thomas


145. Eau d'Abricots. (Apricot "Water.)

80 apricots, very ripe. Cut in small pieces, and boil them up "^dth 4 gallons of white wine; strain, and add gallon of white jdain syrup (see jS^o. V); ^ an ounce of tincture of cinnamon, and 4^ gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent.; filter after two weeks. 22 ounces of wormwood. Macerate 24 hours with 3 gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent., and 3i gallons of water (see Ko.5). Distil from off the water 3 gallons offlavored sphit,and add8lbs.ofsugar dissolved in gallons of water; filter, and color green with tincture ofsaffron and indigo. (See ITo. 90.) 146. Eau d'Absinthe. (Absintho Water.)

147. Eau d'Ahis. (Water of Aniso-seed.)

1 ounce of oil of anise-seed dissolved in 3 gallons of alco hol,95 per cent.; then add S lbs. of sugar dissolved in 6^ gallons of water,and filter. (See No.3.)

148. Eau d'Anis Compose. (Corapound Water of Anise- seed.)

lb. ofgreen anise-seed. 4lb. of star anise-seed.

'F lb. of angelica seed. Grind; macerate for 24 hours with 3 gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent., and 3^ gallons of water (see No.5); distil from off the water 3 gallons flavored spirit, and add 3 lbs. of sugar dissolved in 6i gaUons of water; then filter. (Sge No.3.)

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