1862 Bar Tender's Guide price $1.50 by Jerry Thomas



ofi^ater; mix with it ^ gallon of vinegar and a gallon oi lemon-juice. Filter.

254. Lait do 'VGCChia. (Milk of Teochia.)

11 lb. ofroasted cacao. 1 lb. ofcinnamon. 1 lb. of carrot-seed.

Ground; macerate for 24 bours witb 3 gallons of alco hol, 95 per cent and 3^ gdlons of water (see Ko. 5). Distil from off the water 3 gallons of flavored spirit, then add 20 lbs. ofsugar dissolved in gallons of water. Fil ter. (See No.3.)

255. Lemonade Efiervescing.

10 ounces ofpowdered tartaric acid. 4 lbs.6 oz., do. sugar. 1 drachm of oil of lemon mixed together j keep it dry; mark it No. 1. 10 ounces of bicarbonate ofsoda. 4 lbs.6 oz. of powdei'ed sugar. 1 drachm of oil of lemon mixed togetherf"keep dry^ mark it No.2. Direction: i ounce of No. 1 in one tumbler of water; dissolve 4 ounce of No.2, put in another tumbler mixed, gives a splendid lemonade.


256. Lemonade for Bottling.

10 ounces of citric acid. 15 lbs. ofsugar. 160 drops of oil oflemon.

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Rub the sugar with the oil oflemon;mix in the powder ed citric acid, dissolve the whole in 9 gallons of water.

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