1862 Bar Tender's Guide price $1.50 by Jerry Thomas



20. Curacoa Punch.

(Ufio Itu^o bar glass.)

1 table^poonfiil of sugar. 1 wine-glass of-brandy.

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do. do. Jamaica rum.


1 do. do. water. i pony glass of Cura9oa. Thejuice ofhalfa lemou.

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^ Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and orna ment with fruits of the season; sip the nectar through a straw.

21. Roman Punch. (Uso Inrgo bar glass.)

1 table-spoonful ofsugar. 1 do. do. raspberry syrup. 1 tea-sjioonful of Cura90a. 1 wine-glass ofJamaica rum.

\ do. do. brandy.* The juice of half a lemon.

Fill with shaved ice, shake well, dash with port wine, and ornament with fruits in season. Imbibe through a straw.

22. Milk Punch,

(Uao largo bar glass.)

1 table-spoonful offine white sugar. 2 do. water. 1 wine-glass of Cognac brandy, a do. Santa Cruz rum. 1 Tumblerful of shaved ice. Fill with milk, shake the ingredients well together, and grate a little nutmeg on top.


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