1862 Bar Tender's Guide price $1.50 by Jerry Thomas
Tlie Bar-Tender's Guide And Bon-Vlvanl's Companion. A COMPLETE CYCLOPJEDIA OF PLAIN AND FANCY. DRINKS, Containinffclear andreliablediroctiousfor mixing allfbe beveragesusedin the United States, together with the most popular British, French, Gorman, and Spanish Recipes,embracing runchcs,Juleps, Cobblers, etc.,etc.,etc.,in endless variety, BT JERRT TllOITlAS, Formerly Principal Bar-lender at the Metropolitan Hotel, New York, and the Planter'a House, St. Louis, To which is appended a manual for tho manufncturo of Cordials,Liquors,Fancy Syrups,etc.,etc., after the most approved methods now usedin distillation ofliquors and beverages, designed for thospecial use of manufacturers and dealersin"Winesand Spirits, grocers, tavern-keepers and private familie.s, the same being adapted to tho trade of the United States and Canadns. Illustrated with descriptive engravings. The whole containing OVEB SIX HTJTTDRED VALUABLE B.ECIPES, BY CmilSTIAN SCnULTZ, Professor of C/je»ij«iry, Apolheeary,and Manxtfaelurer of Wines,Liquors, Cordials, etc.,etc.,from Beme,Switzerland. 12mo. Cloth. Price $1 50, sent to any address in the United States or Canada,upon receipt oftho price. Send cash orders to thePublishers. By purchasinga copy of this book, any person who can read, may ho able to mix and prepare, with case, all the numerous fancy drinks thatarc called for at the best Vwrk 1A ^ 1 IS «•_ . Xi bars. It gives, in a clear and plain manner, directions for making Punches,Egg Noggs,Tom and Jerry,etc., etc.,in any quantity,from a glassful to enough for a party offifW. This work containsover500Ectiiica,andcmbracoandescription ofover seventy different kinds of punch; also,recipes for every variety of Cock-tail,Cob bler,Smash,Sangaree, Crusta, Julep,etc.,illustrated with dcscriptivo engravings. The Bordeaux Wine and Liquor Dealer's Guide. A TREATISE ON THE 3IANEFACTME AND IMITATION OF UQUOES. By a Practical Liquor Manufacturer. 12mo. Cloth. Price $1 50. In.this work,not one article,in tlyi smallest dcgreo approximating to a poison,is recommended. And yetthe bookteaches how every^s-ino,luiuor,&c.,fromthocboicast to tho commonest,can beiraitated to that perfection thattho bestjudges cannotde tect tho method of manufncturo,even by chemicaltests ofthe severest characterI All wines and liquoi-s have been so thoroughly analyzed by the author of the"Guide," that he has defined their componentsin a stylo that may bo understood by a child. After tolling what each liquid is composed of, ho furnishes aformula for making its exact counterpart—exactin everything1 Tho imitation isinevery respectthetwinof tho real, possessing tho game qualities, yielding the same pleasures, performing the snrnf. duties, and acquiring or reaching the same ends. Each formulais comprchen- aivii—no one can misnndcrstand. The ingredient.s aro specifically named,and tho auantifcvrcciuircd ofeachdistinctly setforth. "NYith thisbookin his hand,any dealer win manufacture his own liquors at a saving offrom 500 to COO per cent., v,-ith little trouble,andin such a way that he would not hesitate to drmk them himself, or givo them to hisfamily. He canproducq Cognac,and all other brandies,Ohanipagne,or still finer qualities of wine, with the same facility that ho can mako cider. The book is illustrated by diagrams,and contain^ mstory ofdistillation. The"Guide" will be mailed to any part of tho United States,upon thereceipt of II 50. Address orders to mcxc St FITZG£:ilAl.D, Pnblisliors, AlaoforeaiebyallBoohseHera No> 18 Ann Street, New York*
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