1862 Bar Tender's Guide price $1.50 by Jerry Thomas
inquire within For Anything Ton Wish to Know: —OB,— OVER 3,700 PACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. A largo Vol.of436 pp.,ololh,gilt, Frico $1. Sont frco ofpostage. This Book,as its title imports,"will give you correct information on every possible subject that you ever heard or thought of! It tells you how to cooA:adinner—tocurea.sicfcfriend,or cutan acquabdancc—toyetupa dinnerparty,or dine abroad—topiay alcards,chess,or any otherpopular yame,—whether you wi.sh to establish yourselfin life according tothoitdes ofcliquetle—to get up a sumptuous entreefor thedinncr table, or arrange a plain dinnn-—tofoldfancy napkins—to start hiisme.«s—to make money —to dress withtasle—to conduct a courtship—to lie any kind ofaknol—to gelmarried—to give an evening parly to yourfriends—to behave xcell xn company—to keep houseproperly—to dance—to make ornamental vases, by the new art of Poticbomanio, or"Wax work,and other fancy employ mentsfor the ladies—to establish acquaintances according to the rules of etiquette—to enjoy an hour atcuriouspuzzles and ariihmetical questions— to do up a neatparcel—torelieve the invalid—toacquaiatyourselfwiththc technicaltermsinliterature,law,and medicbie—inshort,to doevery useful thing thatcan be thought of or imagined,whether at home or abroad, or among your friends,or in your bu.'rfne.^s,or on your farm,or in yourgar den,or at a public meeting,or at a private assembly. It contains tables of all weights and measures; Jn^erest Tables from $1 to $10,000 atsix and soveapercent,besidesinnumerabletablesoninteresting and curioussubjects. It gives complete directions how to wash,starch,and iron—^Iiow to keep the eyes, hair, teeth, and complexioninperfeclorder—ho-yr to punctuate, spell,and writecorrroily—how to cdmpose all kinds of lclters,iToxa the bil- let-donx to the business letter—how to clean/nmiture,take care of pet animals—^how to measure all kinds of mechanics^ work—how to detect fradulentscales—and all about the properties and uses of different medi cines. Indeed this is really and truly one ofthe most wonderful and valua ble books ever printed. Besides all this information—and wo have not room to give an idea ofa hundredth part of it—itconiaiiw so many valua ble and useful receipts that an enumeration ofthem reqnires SEVENTY-TWO COLUMNS OF FINE TYPE FOR THE INDEX. It is nocollection ofancientsayingsand receipts,bntthe whole arefresh and new,and suited to the present times. As a book to keep in the family for reference,it is nnequaled,comprxsing as it does all kindsof Books of Information in asingle volume. Send cash,orders to DICK & KITZG-ERAXiD, ?fo.18 Aniv Street) T.
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