1862 How to Mix Drinks or the Bon-Vivant's Companion 1$50.pdf



• 5f gallons of plain wine. ^ do. idain syrup. (See No.1.) Colored with tincture of alderberries.

394. "Wine, Quince. 8 gallons of quince juice, madcias follows:

After wiping oft'the quinces cut them in slices and make a pulp ; press out the juice; heat it near boiling; dissolve 10 lbs.ofsugar in it; then skim,strain,and let it cool to 86° Fahrenheit; fill a keg, and put it in a warm place; add 1 quart of brewers' yeast; mix well; fill up the keg with the liquid during fermentation, and when over add 2i gal lons ofgood sherry or Madeha wine._ (See No. 3.) Take 80 lbs. of Malaga raisins, and macerate Avith 10 gallons of boiling water until cool (see No.5); then rub ' them between the hands so as not to hurt the stones; pass n the pulp through a sieve; press slowly, so as to get 11 . gallons of the hquid with the water used to Avash out the pulp; then dissolve in it 6 ounces of poAvdered rock candy, and add the rinds of 4 oranges, 2 lemons, and 1 ounce of bruised bitter almonds, Avith 1 quart of broAvers' yeast; fill a 10-gallon keg, and keep it full Avith the liquid during fermentation; then strain, press,and add 1 quart ofthe best French brandy. 396. Wine, Raspberry. Take 10 gallons offresh raspberry juice, and add-Y^ lbs. of sugar, boiled and clarified with the Avhito of 2 eggs; skim, strain, and Avhen nearly cool add 1 pint of good brewers' yeast; fill a 10-gallon keg, and hang in it a little 395. Wine, Raisin.

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