1862 How to Mix Drinks or the Bon-Vivant's Companion 1$50.pdf
412. Brandy Mirabelles. (Plums.)
Get6 lbs.of mirabelles;rub them off with a linen cloth; prick them'on the place of the stem, and opposite; cover them with 1 gallon of 4th-proof white brandy; macerate them for 2 weeks (see. No.7); decant the liquor; then add 4 lbs. of sugar moistened and boiled with 1 pint of water, and skim; this done, make a tincture of 1 drachm of ground cloves, 4 drachms of ground coriander-seed, 4 drachms of ground star anise-seed, 2 drachms of ground cinnamon, and 3C grains of groimd mace, with 1 quart of 4th-proof wlnte brandy, mixed with the above; filter; cover the mirabelles-in jars, and cork and seal them. 413. Brandy Oranges. Get,ifijossible,Havana oranges; cut offthe yellow skin, and put it aside; peel off the white, and throw it away; prick the fruit with a jDin, and then laythem in cold water; pour them at once in boiling water; boil up twice(about 1 minute); take off the fire; let them stand covered for 1 hour; put them in cold water again,and after the water is dripped off, place them in ajar; then boil plain syrup and cover the oranges, and let them stand for 24 hours; drip offthe syriqj, and boil it to its regular consistence; repeat it twice more; after the third repetition drijD offthe syrup; clarify it with the white of eggs (see No.7); mix it with 2 parts white 4th-proof brandy; filter, and cover the oranges with it in jars; cork and seal. 414. Brandy Peaches. Take some nice 2ieaches a little before being perfectly ripe; rub them off slightly with a linen cloth; prick them with a.pin to the stones in different p)laces, and put them JO
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