1862 How to Mix Drinks or the Bon-Vivant's Companion 1$50.pdf

The Bar-Tender's Griiide And Bon-Vivaiil's Coiiipaiiion. A COMPLETE CYCLOPAEDIA OF PLAIN AND FANCY DRINKS, Containingclearandreliable directionsfor mixing allthe beveragesusedin the United St:ites, together vrith the most popular British, French, German, and Spanish Recipes, embracing Punches,Juleps, Cobblers, etc., etc., etc.,in endless variety, BY JERKY TOOMAS, Formerly Principal Bar-tender at the Metropolitan Hotels New YbrAr, and the Planter's House, St. Louis^ To which is appended a manual for the manufacture of Cordials, Liquors,Fancy Syrups,etc.,etc., after the most approved methods now usedin distillation ofliquors and beverages, designed for tlicspecial use of manufacturers and dealersin"SVinesand ypirits, grocers, tavern-keepers and private families, the same being adapted to the trade of the United States and Canadns. Illustrated with descriptive engravings. The whole containing OVER SIX HUNDRED VALUABLE RECIPES, BY CHRISTIAN SCUULTZ, Professor of Chemistry, Apothecary,and Manufacturer of Wines,Liquors, Cordials, I etc., etc.,from Berne,Switzerland. 12mo. Cloth. Price $1 50, sent to any address in the United States or Canada, upon receipt ofthe price. Send cash orders to the Publishers. By purchasing a copy of this book, any person who can read, may be able to mix ! and prepare, with case, all the numerous fancy drinks thatare railed for at the best j bars. It gives, in a clear and plain manner, directions for making Punches,Egg I Noggs,Tom and Jerry, etc., etc.,in any quantity,from a glassful to enough for a i party oflifty. This work containsover 500Becipcs,and embracesadescription ofover [ seventy dillbrent kinds of punch; also, recipes for every variety of Cock-tail,Cob bler,Smash,Sangarce, Crusta, Julep, etc.,illustrated with descriptive engravings. Tli(! Bordeaux Wine and Liquor Dealer's Guide. A TREATISE ON THE MANUFACTURE AND IMITATION OF LIQUORS. By a Practical Liquor Manufacturer. 12mo. Cloth. Price $1 50. In this work,not one article,in the smallest degi'eo approximating to a poison,is recoramonded- And yetthe book teaches how every wine,liquor,

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