1862 The Bartender's Guide price $2,50 by Jerry Thomas



Regent's Punch.


(Another recipe.)

(From the Boi deaux Wine and Liquor Guide.)

pint, each, strong hot green tea, lemon juice, and

ciipilluire.* 1 phit, each, rum, brandy, arrack, and Cura9oa. 1 bottle of champagne ; mix, and slice a pine-apple into it, For still another method of compounding this celebrated punch, see recipe No. 295, in "TAe Manual for the Manu facture of Cordials^ etc.^'^ in the latter part of this work,

32. Raspberry Punch.

(From a recipe in the Bordeaiux Wine and Liquor Gvdde.)

]| gill of raspberry juice, or vinegar. I lb. lump -sugar. 3^ pints of boiling water.

Infuse half au hour, strain, add \ pint of porter, f to 1 pint, each, of rum and brandy (or either li to 2 pints), amd add more warm water and sugar, if desired weaker oi sweeter. A liqueur of glass of Curayoa, noyau, or maras- chino, improves it.

33. National G-uard 7th Regiment Punch.

(Use large bar glass.)

1 table-jpoonful of sugar. The juice of a | of a lemon. 1 wine-glass of brandy. Catawba wine. Flavor with raspberry syrup. Fill the glass with shaved ice. 1 do. do.

Shake and mix thoroucĀ»h.

* See recipes Xos. 6 5 and 6G.

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