1862 The Bartender's Guide price $2,50 by Jerry Thomas

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or, Gentleman's

Hand-Book of Games. Containinj? clear and complete descriptions of all the Games played In the United States, with tlic American lliiles for playinr,' them ; in- cluding Whist, Euchre, Bezique, CribbagCj All-Fours, Loo, Pecker, lirag, Piquet, Ecarte, Boston, Cassino, Chess, Checkers, Backgammon, Dominoes, Billiards, and a hundred other Games. This work is de.sij;ned to be an American authority in all games of -^kill and chance, and will settle any disputed point. It has been prepared with great care by the editor, with the assistance of a numbcir of gentleman players of skill and abiUty, and is not a re-hash of English Games, but a live AmericaTi book, expressly prepared for American rc'adors. The Amkmcan Hoyle contains 525 pages, is printed on fine white paper, bound in cloth, with beveled boards, and is profusely illustrated with engravings explaining the different Games. Price 00 AMERICAN CARD-PLAYER. Containing clear and comprehensive directions for plaj-ing the Games of Euchre, Whist, Bezique, All-Fours, French Fours, Cribbage, Cassino, Straight and Draw Poker, Whisky Po- ker and Commercial Pitch, together with all the laws of those games. This work is abridged from " The American Hoyle," our larger Book of Games. 150 pages, bound in boards, with cloth back, price 50 cts. rjiHE GAME OF DRAUGHTS, or Checkers, Simplified and Explained. With practical Diagrams and Hlustrations, together with a Checker-Board, numbered and printed in red. Cotitaining the Eighteen Standard Games, with ever 200 of the best variations, selected from the various authors, to- gether -with many original ones never before published. By D. Scatteruood. Bound in cloth, with flexible cover, price 50 ct.3. THE ILLUSTRATED HAND-BOOK of Billiards. By Michael, Phelan and Claudius Berger. Cont:iining a complete treatise of the Game of Billiards, with a description of all the different shots, how to bring the balls together, &c. To which is added, the Rules of the American, or Four Ball Game, the English Game, and the French, or Three Ball Game. Also containing the Rules for all the different Games of Pool. Illustrated copiously with engravings. Price 35 cts. PARLOR TRICKS WITH CARD:1 Containing Ex- planatlons of all the Tricks and Deceptions v/ith Playing Cards ever invented, embracing Tricks with Cards performed by Slcight-of-IIand ; by the aid of Memory, Mental Calculation and Arrangement of the Cards ; by the aid of Confederacy, and Tricks performed by the aid of Prepared Cards. The whole illustrated and made plain and easy, with 70 engravings. This book is an abridgment of our large work, entitled " The Secret Out." Paper covers, price 30 ct.i. Bound in boards, with cloth back 50 cts. THE BOOK OF FIRESIDE GAMES. Abridged from -*-"The Sociable." Containing an explanation of the most entertaining Games suited to the Family Circle as a Recreation, such as Games of Action, Games which inerely require attention. Games which require memory. Catch Games, which have for their object Tricks or Mystification, Games in which an opportunity is afforded to display gallantry, wit, or some slight knowledge of certain Sciences, Amusing irorfeits, Fireside Games for Winter Evening Amusement, etc. Paper covers, price 30 cts. Bound in boards, with cloth back 50 cts. PARLOR THEATRICALS ; or, Winter Evenings' En- tertainment. Abridged from "The Sociable." Containing Acting Proverbs. Dramatic Charades, Drawing-room Pantomimes, Musical Burlesques, &c. ; with In- structions for Amateurs ; how to construct a Stage and Curtain ; how get up Cos- tumes and Properties, on the " Making up " of Characters, Exits and Entrances, &c. Illustrated with engravings. Paper covers, price 30 cts. Bound in boards, cloth back .50 cts.

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