1862 The Bartender's Guide price $2,50 by Jerry Thomas



Arrack Punch.


Cu XL'aihiTj 'uick punch, you ought to put two glasses (w'be-glasscs) of rum to three of arrack. A good deal of su^ar is requii^ed ; but swcetftning, after all, must be left to ta^xe. Lcmoas and limas s,re a,ho matter of palate, but two lemoiis aro enough for the above quantity; put then an equal quantity of water i. e., not five but six glasses to allow for the lemon juice, and you have a very pretty three tumblers of punch.

52. Arrack Punch.

(Ahotber meth jd.)

Steep in one quart of old Batavia arrack, six lemons cut m thin slices, for six hoars. At the end of that time the lemon must be removed without squeezing. Dissolve one pound of loaf-sugar in one quart of boiling water, and add the hot solution to the arrack. Let it stand to cool. This is a delightful liqueur^ and should be used as such. See recipe No. 342, in "2%e 3Ianuul for the Manufacture of Cordials^ etc.^'' in the end of thiii volume.

53. Bimbo Punch.

Bimbo is

made nearly in the samvj way as the above, ex-

cept that Cognac brandy is substituted for arrack.

Cold Punch.


Arrack, port wine and water, of each two pints, one [)oimd of loaf-sugar, and the juice of eight lemons.

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