1862 The Bartender's Guide price $2,50 by Jerry Thomas



with clarified syrup, shake it well with the spirit, and let it remain for three days. Pour a teaciipful of the liqueur into a mortar, and beat up a drachm of powdered alum, and an equal quantity of carbonate of potash ; pour this, when well mixed, into 'the bottle, shake it well, and in a week you will find the Cura9oa perfectly transparent, and equal in flavor to that imported from Malines, or any othei place in the universe.

Italian Lemonade.


Pare and press two dozen lemons ;

pour the juice on the

peels, and let it remain on them all night ; in the morning add two pounds of loaf-sugar, a quart of good sherry, and three quarts of boiling wat^r. Mix well, add a quart ol boiling milk, and strain it through a jelly-bag till clear.

Quince Liqueur.


2 quarts of quince juice. 4 do.

Cognac brandy.

2^ lbs. of white sugar. 1 2 ounces of bitter almonds, bruised. 1 lb. of coriander-seeds. 36 cloves. Grate a sufiicient number of quinces to make 2 quarts of juice, and squeeze them through a jelly-bag. Mix the ingredients all together, and put them in a demijohn, and shake them Avell every day for ten days. Then strain the liquid through a jelly-bag till it is perfectly clear, and bottle for use. This is a delightful liqueur, and can be relied upon, as it is from a recipe in the possession of jj lady who is famous for concocting delicious potations.

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