1863 The manufacture of liquors, wines, and cordials




Is made use of in filtration in liquors that need The liquid is allowed to pass through the cotton, and the clarification is effected by the particles in the liquid becoming entangled in the fibres of the cotton. The cotton is sometimes placed in a funnel, or in a filtering or straining bag, and the liquid is allowed to pass through it. The sand fil- terers will be found to be superior, more particularly where a large volume of liquid is to be clarified. clarifying.



made use of as finings for

Every part of the egg is

liquors, wines, cordials, and syrups. The egg effects clarification of fluids by involving during its coagu- lation the undissolved particles, and rising with them to the surface or subsiding.


That are made use of by the liquor manufacturer, consist of acetic ether, which is obtained by the dis- tillation of sulphuric acid, acetic acid, and alco- hol, and are used in the imitation of brandies, wines, &c.

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