1863 The manufacture of liquors, wines, and cordials



pleasantly acidulated liquid, caused by the presence of carbonic acid and alcohol, which is the result of fermentation. The farther progress of fermentation. is checked by the addition of alcohol, and the flavor- ing ingredients are added, which are supposed to add to the fermented liquor a taste and aroma peculiar to wine fermented from the grape. The ingredients consist of aromatics, cane and grape sugar coloring, tannin, alkali, acid, starch, mucilage, perfumes, ethers, &c., with the view to different ends ; thus sugar or ho- ney for sour wines, grape sugar for pleasantly sweet wines, aromatics and alcohol for light-bodied wines, tannin for rough wines, arid starch mucilage for poor and light wines, etc., etc. The length of time neces- sary for fermentation, the proportions of water, sac- charine, and fermentative matter, and the quantity, and effects of the aromatics,

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