1863 The manufacture of liquors, wines, and cordials



leneriffe is a white wine of a slightly acid taste, and when of a good quality, of a fine aromatic flavor. Its average strength is about the sam3 as that of sherry. It is made from the same grape as Madeira, to which it bears a close resemblance. The imitations of this wine are the same as those of sherry. By the addi- tion of raisin spirit, one tenth ; or acetic ether, five ounces, to twenty gallons ; or rum, one gallon, to fif- teen of the wine. Claret, Vin de Bordeaux, is a red wine, and from its moderate strength, is ranked as a light wine. It is of a deep purple color, and when good, of a deli- cate taste, in which the vinous flavor is blended with a slight acidity and astriugency.






gallon? ;

two gallons ;

clear water, five gallons ;



powdered, two ounces.

Color with red beets and

tincture logwood, to suit taste. When this is not sufficiently acid, add from one to two drops of sul- phuric acid to the gallon, to suit taste.

Imitation of Red Wine.

Clean, sour, or hard cider, warmed and strained honey,

one hundred gallons ;

ten sliced red beets, thirty-five pounds. AJlow this to ferment by the assistance of a quart 01 gallons ;

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