1863 The manufacture of liquors, wines, and cordials



stand for the coloring to become discharged from them for several days.

White Wine Imitations.

Cider, one hundred gal-

lons ; warmed and strained honey, seven gallons; clean spirit, five gallons ; milk whey, five gallons ; hops, eight ounces. Boil, ferment, and fine, with milk. The above milk whey is formed thus : one gallon of sweet milk, and four gallons clear water ; stand to- gether for twenty-four hours.

White Wine

Clear soft water, one hun-


dred gallons ;

yeast, three

honey, eight gallons ;

pints ; keep in a warm place in the sun until fermen- tation causes a pleasant acidity to the taste, then add bruised bitter almonds, five ounces ; ground mustard, four ounces ; five gallons tincture of grains paradise, four gallons cles, t spirit, and six ounces horseradish. Allow the mass to stand four days, and then fine with three pints of boiled milk, to be added while hot.

of White Wine

Clear water, one


hundred gallons ;

sulphuric acid, added to produce

the strength of weak vinegar ;

honey, eight gallons ;


tincture grains of paradise, five gallons ;

bruised horseradish,

bitter almonds, five ounces;

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