1863 The manufacture of liquors, wines, and cordials


fc 233

Eau Divine.

Essence lemon, one drachm ;


mot, one drachm ;

macerate for

one gallon ;


then add

four days, frequently shaking the mixture ;

water, two gallons ; er water, one pint ;

sugar, four pounds ;

orange flow-

mix and filter through sand.

Benjamin, four ounces ;

Elephants' Milk.


two gallons ; Dissolve- then add sugar, twenty pounds, dissolved in three gallons of water ; mix well, and strain through a filtering bag. balsam of tolu, one ounce.

Almond Milk.

Sweet almonds, one ounce ;


white sugar, one and a half

almonds, three ounces ;

pounds ; clear water, two pints. Remove the husks from the almonds by steeping them in hot water for a few minutes ; by rubbing them together, the husk will rub off ; then beat them in a mortar with the sugar, and add the water gradu-

and add half a glass of orange

Lastly, strain,


For instruc-

flower water, or the same of nerolia.

tions in manufacturing essences, spirits, and perfumes for liquors and cordials, look under their appropri- ate heads in this work.


Water, six gallons ;

English Frontignac. sugar, twelve pounds ;

mashed raisins, six pounds.

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