1863 The manufacture of liquors, wines, and cordials



whiskey, and digest three pounds of prunes in it for a week, and dissolve ten drops of oil of sassafras, five drops of oil of partridge-berry, and fifteen drops of oil of lemon in half a pint of alcohol ; and to the above three gallons of whiskey with the prunes, add one pound of nutmegs, half a pound of cloves, and four ounces of ginger, all well bruised ; also> one ounce of cochineal. Allow the whole of the above, along with the prunes, to digest for one week, and then strain through flannel, and mix the whole. This will be of a deep red color. The almonds are blanched by being heated in warm water a few moments, and then rubbing them through the hands, until the husks rub off. Work the almonds to a paste with an addition of the sugar and water. This should be done in a mortar ; then strain through a linen cloth, and mix the remainder of the sugar with one and a half pints of water ; then add half an ounce of essence of peppermint. Cream of Juleps. Refined sugar, two pounds : Sweet almonds, blanched, one pound.

Milk of Juleps.

Benjamin, one quarter pound

two gallons ;

balsam of tolu, one ounce ;

clean spirit,

; then add refined sugar (in


three gallons

essence of peppermint, one-

water) twenty pounds ;

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