1863 The manufacture of liquors, wines, and cordials



The most convenient plan for clarifying, is by the aid of finings, such as eggs, milk, and isinglass. The milk should be added while it is boiling, and the isinglass should be bruised to shreds before adding. The use of eggs will be mentioned under the head of



No fluid can be successfully colored that is not perfectly clear and colorless of itself; and when it is charged with coloring matter, the fluid will always retain its transparency. The first step then towards coloring these beverages, will be to clarify the water while it is boiling, with the articles that are usually added ; to every three gallons of water add one egg, whisked to a froth. The coloring substances, which are most commonly used, are red, yellow, and brown. The red is obtained by infusing bruised cochineal, sanders wood, or log- wood ; the yellow from gamboge, or saffron, and the brown from burned sugar, and a purple from turnsole. The necessary coloring substance should be added to the water while it is boiling, and should remain in the liquor until it has yielded the necessary quantity of coloring, or the coloring substances can be digested in proof spirit, and 'added to the liquor until the re- quired shade has been produced.

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