1863 The manufacture of liquors, wines, and cordials



salty ta, f ,e. This taste is removed by forming a weak solution of sulphuric acid and water, then reducing it to the strength of good vinegar by the addition of pure vinegar. Analysis will prove that all of the different varie- ties of vinegar offered at the public auctions, are nothing more than dilute solutions of sulphuric acid ; the fine acetic odor and taste being the result of the addition of a small portion of acetic acid or pure vinegar, such as that formed by the generators just described. The operator will recollect that these " generators" possess no decolorizing properties, and hence, vinegar intended for white wine vinegar, should be made of colorless whiskey. That which is made from colored whiskey, is sold under the names of crab-apple vine- gar, clarified cider vinegar, malt vinegar, &c., tfcc. Vinegar containing excessive quantities of sulphu- ric acid, will sometimes leave a metallic taste, which can be corrected by adding a small quantity of the infusion of grains of paradise and pellitory. This metallic taste just alluded to, is sometimes percep- tible upon the addition of minute quantities of sulphuric acid, and the taste is difficult of conceal- ment. This is an evidence of impuricies in the acid, and accordingly it should be rejected. The infusions of pellitory and grains of paradise,

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