1863 The manufacture of liquors, wines, and cordials



medicinal properties, would necessarily become lost in the combination with the powerful aromatics, and hence the use of the brandy would only entail an un- necessary expenditure.

Stoughton Bitters, for Making One Gallon. tian, three ounces ;

Virginia snakeroot, two ounces :

two ounces

dried orange peel,

; calamus root, half an cardamom seed, two

ounce ; cochineal, one drachm ; ; whiskey, two pints ; drachms bruise or mash the ingredients, and digest in the spirit for five days, and strain ; then add six pints of water, and bottle for use.

Boker Bitters, for Making One Gallon.


two ounces ;

catechu, half an ounce ; calamus, one ounce ;




root, half an ounce ; seed, half an ounce ;

bruise and macerate for one week in two pints of proof whiskey, and strain. Color with two ounces of burnt sugar, and add six pints of water.

Berlin Bitters, for Making One Gallon.


two ounces

cardamom seed?,

; calamus, one ounce ;

one ounce bruise, acd digest tho above for five days, in three pints of whis- key, then strain, and add 'five pints cf water. ; quassia rasped, one ounce ;

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