1864 Bar Tender's Guide price $2 00 by Jerry Thomas




117. Cordial, Celery. 1 lb. of celery seed, and 5 lbs. of celery root, boiled, for 2 minutes "witb 1 gallons of wliite plain syrup (see No. 7), then add 3 gallons of alcohol, 95 i^er cent., strain, filter > color with tincture of turmeric. (See No. 01).

.118. Cordial Smallage.

3 lbs. ofraisins, seeded,5 lbs. of young sprouts ofsmall- age; cut and wash them; boil for 2 minutes in 7 gallons of white jfiain syrup (see No. 7); strain, then add 3 gal lons of alcohol,'95 per cent. Filter.

119. Creme d'Absinthe. (Absinthe Cream.)

24 ounces of wormwoodn fine. Macerate for 24 hours in 3-J- gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent., and sa gallons of water. Distil from off the water 3A gallons of flavored sifirit, and then add a syrup made of 53 lbs. of sugar and 3J gallons of water, near boiling heat. (See No. 7.) Color green with indigo and saffron. (See No. 90.) 120. Creme d'Angelique. (Angelica Cream.) 12 ounces of angelica root powdered ; macerate for 24 hours in 31 gallons of alcohol 95 per cent, (see No. 5), add 3| gallons of water; Distil over 3a gallons of flavored spirit; then add 53 lbs. of sugar, and 3i gallons of alcohol near boiling heat. 121. Creme d'Anise. (Anlse-soed Oream.^ 24 ounces of green anise-seed. 8 do. star anise-seed. 4 do. cinnamon. ?■ ffround 8 do. amse-seed

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