1864 Bar Tender's Guide price $2 00 by Jerry Thomas



80. EG-G WOGG. Egg ^ogg is a beverage of American origin, but it has a popularity that is cosmopolitan. At the South it is almost intlispen'sable at Christmas time, and at the Korth it is a iavorite at all seasons. In Scotland they call Egg Nogg, « auld man's milk:''

81. Egg Nogg.

(Use Inrgo bar gloss.)

1 table-spoonful offine sugar, dissolved with 1 do. cold water, 1 egg. 1 wine-glass of Cognac brandy. ^ do. Santa Cruz rum. 1 titniblei-ful of milk.

_FiIl the tumbler \ full with shaved ice, shake the in gredients until they are thoroughly mixed together, and grate a little nntraeg on top. Every well ordered bar has a tin egg-nogg"shaker," which is a great aid in mixing this beverage.

82. Hot Egg Nogg,

(Use largo bar glass.)

This drink is very popular in California, and is made in precisely the same manner as the cold egg nogg above, ex cept that you must use boUing water instead ofice.

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