1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart
No. 241. Leath r Varnish for Shoemakers and Saddlers. Take 1 gallon spirits of wine, 2J pounds gum shellac, 1 pound white clear rosin, J pound Venice turpentine, IJ ounces lampblack. Dissolve all with a gentle heat : when cool it will be fit for use ; if too thick, thin it with spirits of wine.
No. 242.
How to 7nake '
Venice Turpentine.
Take 1 quart spirits of turpentine, J pound rosm. Dissolve over a gentle heat : when cool it will be fit for use.
No. 243. How to boil a Leather Varnish.
Take 1 gallon spirits of wine, 1 pound gum shellac, If pounds black sealing-wax, J pound as- phaltum, J ounce Venice turpentine. Boil over a slow fire, in a water-bath.
No. 244. Hoiv to make Shoes and Boots Water-Proof.
Take neats'-foot oil, and dissolve in it caoutchouc, (India-rubber,) a sufficient quantity to form a kind of varnish ; rub this on your boots. This is suffi- cient. The oil must be placed where it is warm, the caoutchouc put into it in parings. It will take several days to dissolve.
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