1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart



No. 247. Excellent Liquid Blacking.

No. 1. Take T pounds ivory-black powdered, 2 pints molasses, 1 pint sweet oil, good malt vinegar, 1 quart, stale beer, but good, 2 quarts, oil of vitriol, J ounce, soft distilled water, 3 quarts. Mix the mo- lasses and water together, and to the powder add the oil, well mixed ; then add the beer and vinegar in a pan ; stir well together 1 hour with a stick, then fit for use. N.B. — Put the oil of vitriol in water and mix, and then add the whole together. No. 2. Put 1 gallon vinegar into a stone jug; add 1 pound ivorj-black, well pulverized, J pound loaf sugar, J ounce oil of vitriol, and 1 ounce sweet oil; Incorporate the whole by stirring. This is a black- ing of very good repute, and on which great praise has been very deservedly bestowed. It has deci- dedly been ascertained, from experience, to be less injurious to the leather than most public black- ings ; and it certainly produces a fine jet polish, which is rarely equalled, and never yet surpassed. No. 248. Liquid Blacking.


No. 249. Black Varnish for Straw or Chip Hats.

Take J ounce best black sealing-wax, pound it well, and put it into a 4-ounce vial containing 2 ounces rectified spirits of wine. Place it in a sand- 11*

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